The Lies We tell

*”I’m Fine.”*

Two simple words, yet they hold a universe of deception. I say them daily, even when my heart screams otherwise. Beneath the mask of normalcy, I harbour secrets—lies woven into the fabric of my existence. They cling to me like shadows, whispering their poison into my soul.

**The Weight of Deception**

*”I’m happy.”*

But am I? Beneath the façade, I grapple with insecurities, regrets, and unfulfilled dreams. The lies I tell myself are the heaviest. They weigh me down, bending my spirit until I ache with the strain. I carry them like a sack of stones, each one etching a line of sorrow on my face.

**The Shame That Binds**

*”I’m strong.”*

Yet, vulnerability terrifies me. To admit weakness feels like defeat. So, I hide behind a fortress of lies. Shame wraps its tendrils around my heart, squeezing until I can barely breathe. I fear judgment, rejection—the fallout if I reveal my truth. So, I remain silent, suffocating in my deceit.

**The Dance of Denial**

*”I’m in control.”*

But control is an illusion. The lies dictate my steps, leading me in a desperate dance. I spin through days, weeks, and years, pretending I’m unburdened. Yet, the truth waits in the wings—an uninvited guest at my masquerade. I fear its arrival, for it threatens to unravel me completely.

**The Paradox of Honesty**

*”I’m not a liar.”*

Yet, here I am—a paradox. I don’t weave falsehoods for malice, but to protect myself. The lies are my armour, shielding me from vulnerability. And yet, they imprison me. I long to break free, to confess—to say, “I’m broken, flawed, and human.” But the shame holds me captive.

*“I’m okay.”*

No, I’m not. The lies persist, gnawing at my soul. But perhaps this confession is my first step toward liberation. Maybe, just maybe, by acknowledging the weight of my deception, I can find redemption. For truth, even when painful, has the power to heal.

2 responses to “The Lies We tell”

  1. NaVia_GI Avatar

    Such true words !

    Liked by 1 person

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